Friday, December 14, 2012

Preface/ Introduction

Welcome to English 201

    Hello and welcome to my brief overview of English 201. Throughout this semester I was required to write 3 research based papers, 2 personal ( in my opinion fun papers to write) and create a power point as well. As you scroll down you will learn about the highly debated topic of nature vs. nurture. You will learn about the corrupt land of big pharmaceutical companies and how doctors use the placebo effect to help patients heal all on their own. During this semester our class read a story entitled Ideas by Patricio Pron. I chose to research why Pron wrote a story about a young boy who leaves home with no explanation. 
        There is a power point presentation about how to use logic in argumentative writing rather than emotions. There is a short story about a young girl and her first trip to New York City and some personal thoughts and reflections about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 
       So now that you know what you are about to feast your eyes upon please sit down and enjoy everything I have had the pleasure of learning this semester!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is really cool. Not only is it visually pleasing, your essays are very well thought out and researched. Everything about your blog is perfect!
